
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Let it go!

"Let it go"... "I just gotta let it go"...
Those were words I spoke this Monday.  I finally came to that conclusion during lunch with a friend as I shared thoughts I had been battling with over a few days.
"Let it go, Let it go, don't hold back anymore!"
Thanks to Disney and their movie Frozen, those were words I sang yesterday, words I sang really poor girls! They have to put up with me and my loud, off key singing much, much too often...
"Let it go Blake, just let it go."
Those were words Adam Levine spoke to Blake Shelton on The Voice last night when the girl with the amazing voice chose Adam as her coach over Blake...
How many times have we spoken or heard those three words? Many, I would guess. How many times though have we actually followed through with those words...letting go...truly letting go...letting go and letting God....
I also heard these words two weeks ago when I met with the co-leaders of Oasis-a ministry for single moms and their kids. We were ending our time together with prayer when one of them asked us to put our hands out, palms up and say out loud, "I let it go, I'm letting go"... Needless to say, after a few seconds had past she had to look at me and give me a little extra encouragement, "Do it Lenee, just do it, let it go"...
It was a bit hard for me, harder than I would've thought. I did it though.
When the same words came to me on Monday, it was hard once again.
I'm a control freak, I am an independent freak, I am a plan it, let's do it, let's get'er done freak. So, letting go and letting God is something I am learning to do daily, moment by moment most of the time.
Life hands us so many things...the battles we face in this life hand us so many things...insecurities, rejection, fear, pain, addictions, wounds, deep wounds, cuts, deep cuts, scars...We can choose to carry what is thrown our way or we can make the choice to let them go. Let them go and let God. That's a hard task but not impossible. I believe, we need to consciously be aware of the things we are holding onto before we can let them go. That's what two weeks ago was about for me, that's what this week continues to be about for me. God is revealing things that I am still holding onto. He is asking me to simply let them go. Stop carrying things I'm not meant to be carrying. Last week I talked about the race we are meant to run, to win. I remember a dream I had several months this dream, I was running. As I ran, I looked down to see my hands were full, totally full, of stuff, just stuff...stuff slowing me down, slowing my pace, zapping my energy. So today, months later I'm still laying that stuff down. I am so thankful for a God who loves me so much and is so patient with me. I'm thankful He continues to reveal that stuff little by little to free me and not to overwhelm me.
When He reveals our stuff. That's when we have a choice to make. We can keep running with it, or we can "let it go"...
I don't know what your "IT" may be or how God may reveal "IT", but I can assure you that God wants you to let "IT" go and let Him do an amazing work through "IT".
So, when we make the choice to "let IT go" what might that look like? How do we really "let IT go"?
First, I had to ask a few questions concerning my "IT". I had to ask myself why IT was really getting to me? Why was I letting IT bother me so much? Would IT really even matter two weeks, two months or even two years from now? I had to get to the root of what had been dug up... I finally saw IT as the once familiar, now not so familiar (praise be to God) pain of rejection. I had to recognize the enemies' voice and lies and call IT what IT was: a tool of the enemy, a firey dart that he just shot so accurately. I then had to ask myself if IT was worth my time, emotional energy and negative thoughts...Was IT going to matter one bit in the long run? And ultimately was I going to trust my God to take IT and just let IT go? Give it to Him.
So many times we don't ask those questions or even shut up ranting and raving long enough to even think about what our "IT's" really represent.
I then decided IT was not worth my time, energy nor emotions that I had already wasted on IT. I was able to make a conscious decision to let IT go and let God have it. And I had to say out loud, "I let it go", I had to sing really loud, "let it go!" over and over, reminding myself and the enemy I let IT go. IT had no power over me.
What I did next may be a little unusual for you, but I went through my home and removed everything that connected me to IT or reminded me of IT...Sometimes we leave memories lying around our home that only serve as negative reminders... Be wise in this. Pray as you look for these things. Don't keep them hanging around, for the enemy to throw as a fiery dart on some unsuspecting day.
I then went through my facebook settings and I unfollowed as I felt necessary. Now, don't get me wrong here either- this wasn't a spiteful act. I just realized I was tired of seeing stuff and reading about stuff that could very easily become just another IT to zap my time, emotional energy and slow my pace.
Sometimes we have to "de-clutter" our mind, our home and our facebook page...
So, today, over the next few days, my challenge to you is this: ask God to reveal the "IT's" that may be slowing your pace, draining your much needed energy to keep running this amazing race. Take time to think about what you may see yourself holding. We serve a really awesome God...
Ephesians 3:14-20 in The Message reads, "My response is to get down on my knees before the Father, this magnificent Father who parcels out heaven and earth. I ask Him to strengthen you by His Spirit-not a brute strength but a glorious inner strength- that Christ will live in you as you open the door and invite Him in(Let it go and Let God). And I ask with both feet planted firmly on love, you'll be able to take in with all Christians the extravagant dimensions of Christ's love. Reach out and experience the breadth! Test its length! Plumb the depths! Rise to the heights! Live full lives, full in the fullness of God. God can do anything, you know--far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us."
He truly is good, really, really good!!!
We can enjoy the hammock under the palm trees so much better when we do!!!

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