The gun has fired, the flag has dropped, the bell has sounded to open the gates. The race has begun....
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily hinders our progress. And let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from start to finish. He was willing to die a shameful death on the cross because of the joy He knew would be His afterward. Now He is seated in the place of highest honor beside God's throne in heaven." Hebrews 12:1-2
We are all running a race... Some of us may think, 'yeah! A stinkin' rat-race!' Well, that may be true at times, but I choose to believe we are created for more than a stinkin' rat race!
I began running a few years ago. I run in 5k's from time to time. After a few, I realized it wasn't always the race that I enjoyed, but it was the feeling I had after I finished the race that I enjoyed most. The finishline was certainly always the best part! The run can be hard and exhausting, but it can also be life giving and invigorating. It can push the heart to pump harder and stronger like never before! I think the race of life can have some similarities.
JUST BREATHE....Those are the words I felt in my spirit last week as I began thinking about my life-race. The race He has set before me. Not necessarily the race I would have chosen for myself. Sometimes the race can be uncertain. The race can be challenging. The race can be exhausting. The race can be overwhelming. Other times, the race can be beautiful. The race can be exciting. The race can be adventurous. The race can be amazing. The race can be many things, so in that moment, God had to quickly remind me that one of the most important things no matter where I am in this race is, "JUST BREATHE."
I began to think, it's just like when I go for a morning run. If I can breathe right, then I can keep my endurance...Slow, deep breaths...Slow it down! Sometimes I have to force myself to slow my breathing down...I get to a place in my run and I begin to take quick short breaths. It's then that I almost get a feeling of panic as I try to keep up my pace.
It's the same in my spiritual race, my life-race, the race I was created to run and win! There are times, like this past Friday, when I begin to try to look ahead and figure out what the next part of the race is gonna be like...Is it gonna be uphill, downhill, curvy, straight, rocky or smooth??? Questions that I have no answers to. Questions and anxious thoughts that I have to let go of and let God because He promises in Psalm 32:8 "The Lord will guide you along the best pathway(race) for your life. I will advise and watch over you." This verse promises me that no matter what this race looks like ahead that God will be faithful to have a sign at every turn showing me which way to go. He will have water stations set up for me to revive me along the way. He will have people along the way to cheer me on and to give me the encouragement needed to keep going. Jesus will be my ultimate race guide because He has ran the race already.
My role in the race: throw aside the things slowing me down(old ways, old thoughts, relationships, social media, bad habits, time zappers, distractions...), pay attention to the signs at each turn and keep my eyes on Jesus(His Word in the Bible, open doors, closed doors), drink the water provided(His Holy Spirit living in me), receive the encouragement(from His Word, and good friends and family He puts on this race with me) and JUST BREATHE----take deep slow breaths, meditate on His goodness, be still before Him, choose to trust Him, have faith that He is with me. Choose to believe and fully realize that He is the author and finisher of my faith and this life-race. He is my strength, it is Him who I am to run like. He is the One I am to pattern my race after.
I am thankful that He created me for this race. God is so awesome that as my creator, He has given me everything needed to finish the race He has set before me. He has not set me up to fail, He has set me up to win! The same is true for you!
Just as Christ ran the race set before Him, we can run the race set before us. Each of us no doubt are created for our own unique race. Right now, the race may be uncertain, it may be exhausting, it may be uphill or it may be exciting, fun and you may be catching a second wind on the downhill...Whatever the race, we can fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our race...we can run and not grow weary because of His strength in us. We can choose to daily trust Him and obey whatever the race holds. We can run like Jesus. We can recognize those places along the way where God wants to show us something beautiful. The race of Jesus included death on the cross, then rising in victory defeating death, hell and the grave. Our race may include taking up our crosses and dying to some stuff too. I believe we will experience victories also.
He ran His race. He did it because He knew the joy that would be His afterward. He knew there was a great finishline ahead. He crossed that finishline and He SAT DOWN. His work is complete. He is sitting by God the Father JUST BREATHING...just waiting to hear the words, "ok, the race on earth is over...go get 'em." What a day that will be.
I pray I will see you that day. I pray we will be giving each other high-fives, and celebrating together across the finishline. There will be confetti, lots of confetti! There will be music, really loud music! There will be a celebration like no other. And there will be Jesus, sitting, resting, breathing deep, smiling BIG and I think He's gonna say, "Welcome home, I knew you would win your race!"
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