
Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Sometimes the Road is Long

And the Journey is hard...

I realized about an hour ago that 6 years ago today, August 10, 2010, I began writing the intro to what is now a book. My Book. Of my story. My journey. Me. Crazy! What a road! What a journey! To get here. Today.

I begin to think back to how I had gone back and forth with God and argued my point about as long as I could. For about a year or so every time I felt the nudge, or have the thought to write my story, I would tell Him over and over that I just couldn't do it. I couldn't put myself out there like that. How would people respond? What would they think? I just didn't want to tell my story. It would be okay. I didn't have to do all that!  I'm not even a writer for heaven's sake!!! Were some of my best arguments.

So, on a rainy day during my one on one camping time with just Jesus and me the thought arose and the nudge was felt once again, I gave up and gave in. But, not without making a deal with God first. I decided that as long as He would be my strength and give me the words, then I would do my best to be faithful to telling my story. To share with others the things in His Word that He had walked me through and was still yet walking me through. It has been one of the longest roads and hardest journeys yet. I sat there and I began to recall things that I didn't really want to that I could share my journey, in hopes that it would bring some hope to someone else's journey. It began to rain tears inside that little camper as I started writing about the things I had put off for so long. Today, I am so thankful to say that He stayed true to His promise to be my strength and give me the words as I poured my heart out before Him and now what is before many. And to throw it to the wind for Him to use for His glory. To know He is truly faithful through it all.

There have been other long roads and hard journeys along the way... I remember once sitting across from a friend of mine who began to share with me her journey of being a single mom. When she told me that she had been single for ten years, I thought to myself, oh, that will never be me. I don't think I can stay single that long. I'm pretty sure I thought in that moment I would remarry within three years even! Hahaha!!! I'm so thankful that didn't happen!!! Think of all the precious moments and adventures I might wouldv'e missed had that been the case! I'm thankful God has made this single mom thing beautiful in its time. Yes, there have been many hard moments along the journey and yes the road is long, but I can truly say my God and me are so much closer because He has been the One I have continued to rely upon. Yes, there are days I still long for the companionship of an earthly husband, but I remain thankful for the precious time I'm able to share with just me and my girls and Jesus, cherishing every moment.

I think that may be a big key to these long roads and hard journeys. Remain thankful in the midst of it all. 1 Thess 5:16-18 tells us, "Always be joyful. Keep on praying. No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus."  Always look for the good and don't dwell on the bad. Be all you can be in the midst of it, relying on God to give you the grace He promises to be sufficient. Whatever you do, don't be afraid to hope and keep that hope even when everything around you tries to tell you its hopeless. Keep your hope in the One who has it all figured out!!! God knows I have sure tried to figure things out in the past and I still try to figure things out!!! I have to just remind myself, He's got it! Chill, Lenee! God's got this!

So wherever your road is taking you and no matter how hard the journey might be, I just want to remind you of what I was reminded of today. Our God is good and He is faithful. His Holy Spirit at work inside of us is able to do the exceendingly abundantly that we all hope for.

Luke 1:78-79 says it so well, "Because of God's tender mercy, the light from heaven is about to break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to guide us to the path of peace."  

The Light from heaven has broken through to us now that Jesus has come and taken all of our junk, all of our long roads and hard journeys to the cross where He left them, where He suffered for them in our place.

Be encouraged! Don't give up!!! Keep going, just keep going! Keep believing! Keep hoping! He's able to strengthen us along the way! He's able to take us along the path of peace.

Because He loves us so,