
Monday, November 19, 2018

Leave No Gift Unopened

A few months ago I kinda saw a Christmas tree with perfectly wrapped gifts underneath. It wouldn’t have made an impact on me, nor would I be sitting here writing about it today had there not been one small detail I felt in my spirit as I saw the tree. There was something in me that knew it was several days after Christmas and the presents were left. Still just sitting under the tree. Unopened. I began to think to myself, ‘How sad, why are there presents left? Who do they belong to? Why did they not get them? Do they even know they are here?’

I have been asking God to show me what that picture meant ever since. I knew He had shown it to me and I knew I couldn’t just forget about it. So, yesterday at church, during worship, yet again I saw the tree. The Christmas tree with the beautiful gifts still wrapped underneath. Then I had this thought, ‘Leave no gift unopened’. I was like God, ‘What does that mean? What are you saying? Help me understand.’ So here I am this morning trusting His Holy Spirit to fully reveal and speak truth to us during this season.

Can we all agree how sad it would be for someone to go out and purchase another person a gift and it remain unopened under the tree at the end of our Christmas celebrations? I mean the person who purchased the gift had to take time to search it out, possibly gave thought of the receiver and the things they like and then spent their money to purchase it so that the receiver would be able to have it and enjoy it. Yet, it remains under the tree. The decorations are being put away the lights taken off the tree and there’s the gift just sitting there. I think we have all experienced that before. It’s like a loss has taken place in some way. A particular sadness when you see the gift and you don’t know where to even put it.

Maybe the person it was to belong to just didn’t show up. Maybe they did show up and didn’t know it was theirs to have. Or maybe they were handed the gift, but since they hadn’t even hardly visited or spoken to the giver they felt unworthy to receive it, open it and enjoy it. When you see the unopened gift you don’t know the reasons why, you just know there’s a gift left unopened and it shouldn’t have been.

Can we begin to picture this giant Christmas tree filled with presents, beautiful gifts all around? Wrapped and ready to be opened. It’s so great! It is so so great! Because we didn’t spend a dime!!!! And they are all for you and me! We didn’t do a thing to deserve them! We didn’t visit throughout the year enough. We didn’t call and check up on the giver enough. But that changes nothing! The giver gives because that’s what a giver does. They give! They love to give!

“The priests will enjoy abundance, and my people will feast on my good gifts. I the Lord have spoken!” Jeremiah 31:14 NLT
“They will come home and sing songs of joy on the heights of Jerusalem. They will be radiant because of the Lord’s good gifts- the abundant crops of grain, new wine, and olive oil, and the healthy flocks and herds. Their life will be like a watered garden, and all their sorrows will be gone.” Jeremiah 31:12 NLT
“So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him?” Luke 11:13 NLT
“Since everything God created is good, we should not reject any of it but receive it with thanks.” 1 Timothy 4:4
“Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father who created all the lights in the heavens He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.” James 1:1
“And what a difference between our sin and God’s generous gift of forgiveness... For Adam’s sin led to condemnation, but we have the free gift of being accepted by God, even though we are guilty of many sins. The sin of this one man, Adam, caused death to rule over us, but all who receive God’s wonderful, gracious gift of righteousness will live in triumph over sin and death through this one man, Jesus Christ.” Romans 5:15-17

Can we now see that giant Christmas tree as a cross. The cross where every gift was purchased, paid for, carefully wrapped and given by Jesus. He gave us salvation. He took our guilt, shame and unworthiness and gave us His righteousness. We did nothing!!! So stop thinking we gotta earn this! Lord, help us! Seriously! The word says, “but all who will receive” not “all who deserve” nor “all who become worthy” nor “all who get it right”.

But, those who simply receive. Who simply show up. Who say I want it Jesus. I want all you paid for that day. I want and receive the gift of your salvation.  I want to receive and walk in your  righteousness. I want to receive and unwrap every gift you placed at the foot of the cross. I, through the power of your Holy Spirit, want and receive love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. I want it all Jesus!

“And God has given us his Spirit (not the world’s spirit) so we can know the wonderful things God has freely given us.” 1 Corinthians 2:12
“Now you are no longer a salve but God’s own child. And since you are his child, everything he has belongs to you.” Galatians 4:7

One of the things I feel God is trying to show me through this is a lot of the things I ask for I have already been given and is already under the tree for my unwrapping. Many times I have caught myself saying, “God I need help!” Then just to turn right around to declare, “God, you are my help!” I ask for patience just to realize, Holy Spirit you have already given me patience, then declare, “I am a patient person.” I realize, God, I need love! I need more love for the people around me. And I begin to declare, “I can love with the love of Jesus because he has already empowered me to do so.”

The next time you feel lacking in any area. Stop and take a moment. Look at the bottom of the tree. Look at the foot of the cross. The very thing you need is already sitting there, already given,  just waiting to be opended and received.

May we enter this Christmas season, seeing the gifts under the tree in a different way. May we know the Giver in such a way that we fully receive all that has already been given. He freely gave. May we freely receive and say, “Thank you Jesus!”

I know it’s early but, Merry Christmas!
Leave no gift unopened,

Friday, November 17, 2017

It Is Good

That’s what He said. This past Sunday. While I’m at church, in His presence, worshipping, yet questioning all at the same time. Yep,  all at the same time. See, I think we can worship and ask questions at the same time. We can praise and wonder at our outcome at the same time. We can live in this fleshly body and live for our good God at the same time.

How else do we make it through? 

Pretend not to question? Pretend we got it all figured out? Pretend we got this? 

No thank you! I’ve been there. Lived that lie. Pretended to have it all figured out and “I got this!” And I’m done with it.

So, I worship, I get into His presence. I seek His face. I expect Him to show up. I desire Him to be a part of my questions and wonder and even doubt at times. It’s when we get into those three places without Him that becomes the problem. I’ve learned that He can handle my questions, my wonder and doubt. He loves me and is near no matter what. Thank you God!!

So this Sunday as I’m talking to Him and worshipping Him and seeking His face about various things  ahead... God, how is my baby gonna go to the other side of this planet without me? God how am I gonna stay here and let her go? How much longer do I have to share my girls through this custody arrangement? How much longer do I have to take care of this house? What are me and Abby gonna do while Elizabeth is away? How is Abby gonna deal with her sister being away? How do I try to repair that broken relationship that I know you are wanting me to repair?....

See, my heart and my mind were frailing and spinning and going in all sorts of directions when I heard Him say, “It is good.” Just simply, “It is good”. 

Sometimes I hear the lies of the enemy. Sometimes they get a little loud actually. Sometimes in the middle of hearing those lies I forget to call them lies and speak truth over them and fear might jump up and bite me. And it doesn’t feel good. And I don’t like it at all.

He said, “It is good”. God  gently reminded me in that moment that at the end of each of the various things He created in Genesis He looked at it and declared, “It is good”. He reminded me that not only had He created then, long ago in the beginning of time, that He is still creating today, right now, each moment of every day. He is continually creating new life in each of us and He is bringing forth His plans, His purposes and His destiny every day we wake up. And He declares, “It is Good”! 

Even when we can’t see the big picture, when we are living for Him, “It is good”. Really good. Even when I have questions about tomorrow “It is good”. Even when I wonder what this next “season” will look like “It is good”. Even when I doubt that I can make it, “It is good”. 

Too often we equate the unknown with “it is bad” when in reality the unknown actually gives opportunity for trust and faith and peace beyond understanding. 

As we ended service this past Sunday my baby girl, the one headed to the other side of the planet to do a 6 month mission training through YWAM Ships, walked to the front of the room, asked to take the mic and began to declare that each of us has a purpose and a destiny. She encouraged us to continually remind ourselves of that truth every day that we are given.. We have a purpose and destiny. Yes, this mommy’s heart was exploding at her courage, strength, wisdom and bravery to get up and procalim those words over us. Only a few of us in the room knew that she spoke them with authority because those were the very words that God had spoken to her a couple of weeks before to shut up the lies the devil had been telling her. You go baby girl!!! Preach!!

The devil will always lie to us and make us doubt that our God is good and that “it is good”. In those moments we have to refocus and look to the One who always speaks truth over us. Whose creation, plans, purposes and destinies are good. Even if we have to read Romans 8:28, “And we know that God causes ALL THINGS to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them”, every day of our lives and put post-it notes all over the place!!! Do it! Just do it!  It is good. It is all good. 

When we doubt, when we question and when we wonder, look to the one who is continually working things out for our good and His glory. Look to Him for the peace that passes all understanding. Look to Him for truth. 

Even this morning, I saw my baby girl walking away from me in the airport headed into the security area without me. Alone. And I began to panic and I began to think all sorts of things, “Oh God, she’s never flown by herself! Oh man, I wonder if I can get off work? I could just go over with her!” But then I felt God say, “look again”. And I did. And then I saw more. I saw Jesus walking with her, holding her hand. They were both walking toward the security area, together, hand in hand. “Oh thank you Jesus!”

Yes, it will still be hard and I will probably cry, a lot. But I have seen with my own eyes, His hand in hers walking together. I have heard with my own ears, “It is good”. And I, I will choose to believe He is with her every step of the way and “it is good”.

To God be the glory!!!

May you be blessed today in the good good things of our good good God,

Friday, July 21, 2017

A Planting of the LORD...

Trees, they're pretty much everywhere... Well, not everywhere, I'm sure I could stop and think of somewhere without trees. So let's just say they're almost everywhere...

I love trees. Many times I am mesmerized by a beautiful tree. Or a not so beautiful tree. A seemingly perfect tree and a not so perfect weathered tree. Maybe it's my ADD or maybe it's that I so many times relate to trees. Crazy? Maybe. But true.

When I travel I take lots of pictures. A lot of those pictures are of trees. There are so many different kinds, sizes, shapes, ages, places they've been planted... By the LORD.

As I awoke this morning, I was dreaming and the last thing I remember was a big Oak tree standing beside a lake whose waters had receided revealing the red clay bottom... Kinda like Lake Hartwell is right now. The picture remains etched in my mind...

As I moved to the front porch and began to talk to God about what I saw and if He was trying to speak to me, I thought of Isaiah 61:3... Yes, one of my favorite verses. Actually if I were to choose a "life verse", this is it. But, I've always focused on the first part of the verse which talks about giving us a crown of beauty for ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning and the garment of praise instead of a spirit of heaviness. Now, that's some good stuff. That's the stuff I've survived on for quite a while. And for some reason this morning I feel the Holy Spirit saying, "keep going, keep reading, keep progressing keep moving forward. You gotta stop looking back." God help me right now...

See, I've been looking back way too long. I've been assessing the circumstances and actions and "ashes" if you will for far too long. And I'm tired. I'm tired of my so called life just being about "that". That thing that happened years ago. That stuff that changed me forever. That.

Don't misunderstand me and my heart. I am so thankful for my journey and as the old song says, "I wouldn't take nothing for my journey now", well, it's true. I am blessed. And God is good. Through it all.

But, I gotta quit letting that define me. That was then and this is now. So, today I look forward to the last part of the verse. And it's so good too...

All that other stuff He says He will do and does do in the beginning of verse 3 comes to a "so that". I love the "so that's" in His Word. It's like God says, 'Okay, so all this I'm doing is really awesome, but you gotta know, you gotta understand and realize it's ultimately SO THAT....'  followed by many different things for our good and His glory as Ephesians 3:20 says.

"That they may be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified."

Sometimes we gotta quit looking back and look at the here and now. Realize who we are in Christ Jesus now. What we are to do with life now. We are His righteousness. Here on this earth now. Not because we are perfect, but because that's the way He choose to do it! He choose to allow the blood of His Son, Jesus, to cover us wholly and completely so that He sees us as His righteous ones. He is the one who decided to call us oaks of righteousness and He's the one who choose to plant us and He did it all for His glory.

There's so much more here in that one verse. So much more to expand on and I'll leave that for another day... Another beautiful morning with Jesus and this little tablet in it's little pink case...

Today, let's just agree take a few moments to stop and look. Look around at where we are planted here and now. What can I say or do today to glorify the amazing Creator who choose to call me His righteousness; to plant me? Firmly.

And look forward... There's so much greater that lies ahead for us. It's not about what's behind us, but it's about the steps ahead. The walk that continues, the roots that continue to grow deep.

A planting of the LORD,

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Taste and See...

That the LORD is good!

This past Sunday was pretty awesome. I just want to tell you about it...

So, during worship, Pastor Bryan comes up and begins to pray that we will feel a tangible sense of God's presence throughout the room. A few moments later my mouth began to water... I was thinking, 'is this really happening? The only thing that makes my mouth water this much is a jar of pickles.' But, yes, it was happening and I began to swallow and think, 'what is this all about God?' I then thought of the verse in Psalm 34, "Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good..." I began to pray that word over myself and say things like, "God, you are good. I have truly tasted of your goodness over the years. You are so good. Thank you for being so good." A few moments later Pastor Bryan also began to say, "Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good!", over and over. At that point, I was like, 'God, that is so cool! You're telling him the same thing!' And for the next several minutes I just enjoyed His amazing presence, swallowing as my mouth continued to water and telling my God how good He really is and thanking Him for showing up tangibly so that I would know without a doubt He is with me, speaking to me. Me.

Kinda weird that He did it through my mouth watering? Possibly. But, He is God and He can show He is real in whatever way He chooses, right? Right!

It doesn't stop gets even better!

After a really great message on hearing and obeying the voice of God by Chris, a new staff member, it was time for me and Lora to meet in the back of the room to pray with anyone who desired it. After Chris prayed over all of us, Lora looked at me and began to say how she felt God was wanting her to share something with me. She continued to say, "I don't know what all this means, but I feel like God is saying He is changing your tastes. You will begin to enjoy things you didn't before, and the things you now enjoy you may not enjoy as much."  (I was like this is so awesome, because I knew she had no idea what had happened earlier in the service). She continued to say it was almost like a piece of computer equipment or something similar that was plugged into a certain outlet and it was being unplugged and plugged back into another outlet. She also said that He was bringing more healing to me emotionally. Total healing of deep emotions- I was pretty overwhelmed at that point...

I began to share with Lora how awesome it was that she felt led to say those things to me, especially using the word "taste". I told her what had happened earlier in the service and how I had already felt God reminding me to taste and see that He is good.

I share all that with you today mostly because I'm just pretty excited over how really good God is and that He, through His Holy Spirit, continues to speak to me and you. I also want you to know too that I'm not so sure about this new taste and what God is up to. I share that part because sometimes we think that God is supposed to say it all, give us all the info up front and then ask us to step out in it. Well, now wouldn't that be great! And require no faith nor trust!!! But He doesn't. He gently leads us along the pathway He has chosen by showing us His peace along the way. In the midst of it we seek His peace. It will never lead us astray.

So, today, along with encouraging myself to trust Him with the unknown of the change of taste taking place in my life and the new place He is plugging me into, I encourage you also. First of all, if you don't realize it already, you can hear from this great BIG God who not only created this universe, He created you and me!! And as Chris reminded me this Sunday, He created us first!!! He had you and I in His plans and on His mind before He created the world and everything in it...think about that for a while!! We are to impact this world, not let this world impact us... You can hear Him speak to you and don't try to figure out how He will or should do it... He knows you best... He has already and will continue to make Himself known to you and He knows how you will hear Him best. And as I continue to preach to myself this morning I say, choose to obey and trust that He is really good and has mine and your best interest in mind for His ultimate glory. When we believe that then it's so much easier to follow His leading...

Lead me Lord, I will follow.

"Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see - how good God is. Blessed are you who run to Him." Psalm 34:8 The Message

Running on a Wednesday morning,

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Praying for Patience...

"Oh no! Don't do that!"

"Do you know what your asking for?"

Well, I did it! On my way home the other night it was just me and God and I decided against the belief that we're not supposed to or that something terrible will happen when we do, I talked to God about this "patience" thing! And I straight out asked Him for it.

My words were something like, "God, I need some patience here so I'm just going to ask you for it! Please make me a patient person! Give me some patience! Please!!"

Well, what I felt Him speak into my spirit that night was pretty surprising to me and that's why I'm sharing this morning. I'm hoping it will shed some light on something I believe the enemy wants us to be afraid of and deny us of. Patience.

See, over the past several months I've been in a place where a longing to see hopes and dreams I had long ago set aside fulfilled has been rekindled. This is where the blogging gets a little difficult, ok? The bearing of my soul can be a little hard, but here we go God...

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick. but when dreams come true, there is life and joy." Proverbs 13:12

While I was taking a walk several months ago, I realized I had deferred the hope that I once had in several areas. One in particular. I was cool with not hoping to remarry, because it was just easier that way. But what God showed me that morning was that I really wasn't cool with it. Let me take a moment and say that God has blessed me and my girls more than I could ever, EVER imagine!! He is our everything and I pray He is always our number one man!!! Having said that, I also realize that it's okay to desire earthly companionship. Gosh, this is hard to talk about!  So, that morning He showed me that I had been "deferring a hope" in fear that He nor I was big enough to handle the timing or way the hope would be fulfilled. He's big enough, I just wanted to maintain control of my feelings and desires and "just not dream so big". In my desire to stay safe in my thoughts and things here on earth I had actually made a pretty little box for my awesome BIG God!

So, that morning I said something like, 'okay God, you're right. This is something I want, but I want it your way. Not my way! I've kinda messed it up my way before! Help me to wait on you and trust you again. Trust me again.'

Then there's also this desire to just be living in GA at "Our little piece of heaven", a small little farm on a dirt road. Just to be able to not have to go to Wal-mart and push pills. Just to be able to wake up, watch the sunrise, sit a bit, bask in His presence, listen a bit, write a bit, and make pancakes for my girls...and/or hubby (in his time of course!). To just chill. I don't think I'm the only one who prefers chill over crazy! See crazy came along the other week when  the carpet in my basement was found to be squishy with water. I mean a lot of water!  This is when that hope that had been deferred was revealed once again. Here I am up here in NC and the AC unit is pouring water into the next room and my daddy is in GA and a "hubby" is nowhere to be found!!! I was ready to sell the house and I was done with "the wait"! I was tired! I mean tired!

I've finally learned in those moments, God can still handle me when I get in what I call "a puddle", a puddle of my emotions and tears and anger and frustrations. I've learned to "cry it out" with Him and ask Him, "what's next?  You're the man of this house, what we gonna do now?  And I'm tired God, I'm kinda tired of doing this, taking care of this house without an earthly man." So, those were my words that night. I cried. He, in His goodness reminded me of the "ShopVac" I had bought years ago that would suck up water. I texted a friend. She called and prayed for me, offered her "hubby" to help. I declined and did what I had to do. Cleaned up the mess as best I could. Wiped off my tears and prayed my red eyes would go back to normal and went up stairs to my girls, leaving the dehumidifier to do the rest.

There are things in this life real things that cause us to become impatient! There are dreams and hopes that we allow to lie hidden and we ignore because, well, because it's been so long! It could be a longing for a baby, it could be a longing for a home of our own, it could be a desire for a wayward child or spouse to turn to Jesus, it could be the longing for a "hubby" or a "wifey", it could be the longing for a good job, or retirement, it could be the longing for heaven! There are so many things that we desire. There are so many things that simply don't happen on this earth when we want them to.

Those things require patience. Those hopes require being still and knowing He is God and we, we are not. Those dreams and desires require us to wait, wait, and wait some more.

So, that night when I decided no matter if it was okay or not to "pray for patience" and I asked God for patience, I heard Him respond in my spirit in a sweet, loving voice, 'You are patient.'  That's it. That was His response. 'You are patient.'

I was like, 'Wait, what?!'  Then I felt Him remind me that I've already been single and taking care of this home in NC for over ten years now (as if I needed that reminder). Surely, that requires some patience. And I began to thank Him for those years.

Then, here's the best part, I thought, 'Wait a minute, wait a stinkin minute! Patience is a fruit of the Spirit! It's in the "list" in the Bible! I began to say to the list, 'love, joy, peace, kindness, longsuffering, PATIENCE.... I was like, 'Yay!!! It's in there!'  That means it's something that is produced when I just stay connected  to  The Vine! I don't have to work for it! I don't have to pay for it! I just receive it and say, "Thank ya!"

It was like God showed me that it's kinda like a FedEx package has already been sent to my front door. It was part of the package sent to my address with my name on it when I first believed, but I just keep walking right past it, going inside and leaving it on my doorstep. It's only when I receive the package, the gift, open it and bring it inside that I begin to enjoy it's benefits.

The enemy wants us to stay blinded to the many gifts and fruits that have already been provided! He wants to keep us distracted from taking notice of the many packages sitting at our door addressed personally to us. If the enemy can keep us consumed with asking for things we already have then he will keep us from realizing we already have them, that they are ours and then using them effectively against him!

God has already provided. Through His Spirit and in Christ Jesus we have patience!!! I am patient! You are patient! God said it, not me! He gave it, not me!!! We have EVERYTHING in the "list"! We have to stop begging for or praying for something we have already been given. We got it! It's done. Jesus is sitting down, The Spirit abides in us. We are connected to the vine producing the fruit. Everything we need in this life to finish well, to run the race set before us, is at our doorstep, the door of our hearts. We have been given the patience to wait upon those things we hope for and the things we dream about. Open the door, stand in awe of all the gifts that are ours and be filled with the goodness of God and everything He has for us! It's a good day! It's a great life! He is a BIG BIG God!!!

Hope for it!!! Dream BIG!

Because sometimes we wait,

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Sometimes the Road is Long

And the Journey is hard...

I realized about an hour ago that 6 years ago today, August 10, 2010, I began writing the intro to what is now a book. My Book. Of my story. My journey. Me. Crazy! What a road! What a journey! To get here. Today.

I begin to think back to how I had gone back and forth with God and argued my point about as long as I could. For about a year or so every time I felt the nudge, or have the thought to write my story, I would tell Him over and over that I just couldn't do it. I couldn't put myself out there like that. How would people respond? What would they think? I just didn't want to tell my story. It would be okay. I didn't have to do all that!  I'm not even a writer for heaven's sake!!! Were some of my best arguments.

So, on a rainy day during my one on one camping time with just Jesus and me the thought arose and the nudge was felt once again, I gave up and gave in. But, not without making a deal with God first. I decided that as long as He would be my strength and give me the words, then I would do my best to be faithful to telling my story. To share with others the things in His Word that He had walked me through and was still yet walking me through. It has been one of the longest roads and hardest journeys yet. I sat there and I began to recall things that I didn't really want to that I could share my journey, in hopes that it would bring some hope to someone else's journey. It began to rain tears inside that little camper as I started writing about the things I had put off for so long. Today, I am so thankful to say that He stayed true to His promise to be my strength and give me the words as I poured my heart out before Him and now what is before many. And to throw it to the wind for Him to use for His glory. To know He is truly faithful through it all.

There have been other long roads and hard journeys along the way... I remember once sitting across from a friend of mine who began to share with me her journey of being a single mom. When she told me that she had been single for ten years, I thought to myself, oh, that will never be me. I don't think I can stay single that long. I'm pretty sure I thought in that moment I would remarry within three years even! Hahaha!!! I'm so thankful that didn't happen!!! Think of all the precious moments and adventures I might wouldv'e missed had that been the case! I'm thankful God has made this single mom thing beautiful in its time. Yes, there have been many hard moments along the journey and yes the road is long, but I can truly say my God and me are so much closer because He has been the One I have continued to rely upon. Yes, there are days I still long for the companionship of an earthly husband, but I remain thankful for the precious time I'm able to share with just me and my girls and Jesus, cherishing every moment.

I think that may be a big key to these long roads and hard journeys. Remain thankful in the midst of it all. 1 Thess 5:16-18 tells us, "Always be joyful. Keep on praying. No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus."  Always look for the good and don't dwell on the bad. Be all you can be in the midst of it, relying on God to give you the grace He promises to be sufficient. Whatever you do, don't be afraid to hope and keep that hope even when everything around you tries to tell you its hopeless. Keep your hope in the One who has it all figured out!!! God knows I have sure tried to figure things out in the past and I still try to figure things out!!! I have to just remind myself, He's got it! Chill, Lenee! God's got this!

So wherever your road is taking you and no matter how hard the journey might be, I just want to remind you of what I was reminded of today. Our God is good and He is faithful. His Holy Spirit at work inside of us is able to do the exceendingly abundantly that we all hope for.

Luke 1:78-79 says it so well, "Because of God's tender mercy, the light from heaven is about to break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to guide us to the path of peace."  

The Light from heaven has broken through to us now that Jesus has come and taken all of our junk, all of our long roads and hard journeys to the cross where He left them, where He suffered for them in our place.

Be encouraged! Don't give up!!! Keep going, just keep going! Keep believing! Keep hoping! He's able to strengthen us along the way! He's able to take us along the path of peace.

Because He loves us so,

Thursday, July 14, 2016

No Longer Mud...

But clay. Clay on the Potter's wheel.

I use to think I was just mud, now I know I just got a little muddy. I no longer believe I'm just mud, but through the grace of my God I now know and believe I'm clay on the wheel of a really great Potter.

As I took a long walk this morning, I began to think about the difference between mud and clay.

I came up with only one: purpose.

Mud lies in a rut on a dirt road. Clay is gathered from that same rut and sat on the potter's wheel and molded with a purpose.

I believe we're all clay instead of mud. The world would have us believe we're just mud. If we're all just mud then it doesn't matter does it? Our life has no purpose, we're just blowing in the wind. Just making it through one more day alive. The person beside us at work, our neighbors near us, our family, the person at the gas pump, the lady in line at the grocery store, the policeman down the street, the fireman around the corner, the friends we hang out with... none of their lives matter if we're all just mud.

But what if we are all clay? What if we have all been gathered and hand picked by an amazing Potter and placed upon his wheel to be molded and shaped into vessels with purpose? Great purpose. With a great Mastermind behind it all.

Then lives do matter. Words do count. Actions do make a difference.

So, today my words are short and simple. We are clay, not mud. Clay on the wheel and in the hands of a loving and faithful God who is molding each one of us into who he planned long ago for us to be. His vessels. Like Him. God is love. Let us choose to be love aslo.

If you're like me, you've been asking the question, "God, what's going on here? What can I do to make a difference since everything seems so out of hand?" I believe his answer to me was "love". Just love. Love the person that walks out of the same front door that I do and eats the food I buy. Love the person that walks out of the front door next to mine. Love the person that rings me up at the grocery store. Love the person that is in front of me with a hundred and fifty items to be rang up. Love the person who is pumping gas next to me. Love the persons in my life who may be a little more difficult to love. Love the person that yells at me today at work. Love the person beside me at work today. LOVE. Just love. Love any and everybody that happens to walk in my path today. And the next day and the next. Because they are not mud, they are clay. They have purpose, I have purpose, you have purpose. We all have purpose.

That love will look different for every circumstance and every person. When we take a moment and we ask God to show us how to love each and everyone then we choose love over hate and we win. God's purpose wins. Each and every time.

God is love. I believe that it's a good day to begin to be that same love to this hurting world we're placed in for only a short time. Be intentional about it. Take time to do it. LOVE. Just love.

Because He first loved me,